Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Sticky Situation

About 6 months ago, I was introduced to a popular Thai dessert - sticky rice and mangoes. The taste of the warm, sweet rice with the cool, tangy exotic fruit and toasted sesame seeds was unlike any dessert, or dish, I'd ever tried. The aroma and melt-in-my-mouth flavors transported my imagination to another culture and life. Last week while fumbling my way through Chinatown, I happened to land in a tiny mouse hole of a bakery that sold sticky rice-mango "pastries," dusted in coconut, for 80 cents. For only 8 dimes, I had no choice but to try it. I pointed, gestured, "one please," and made my way into work, giddy about my treat.

It was so full of promise, my beloved sticky rice-mango treat. But no sooner had I taken my first bite, when I realized it would not live up to my hopes and expectations. It didn't quite taste right, and the texture was distracting. It felt like I was trying to eat a breast implant. I've never actually held a breast implant before, and I don't intend to ever receive breast implants, but if I ever change my mind, I will go to Chinatown, pick up a sticky rice-mango "pastry," show it to my plastic surgeon, and say, "please make them feel like this."

Needless to say, I was totally unsatisfied with that particular sticky experience. But I did remember to do my monthly breast self-exam, so I guess it wasn't a total loss. Preventative health care for 80 cents. A pretty great deal, really.

I decided instead to make my Thai treat at home, the old-fashioned way. Sticky rice takes planning. It is glutinous rice that must be soaked for at least 2 hours, but ideally overnight. I'll let you know how it turns out - tune in tomorrow for an update.


Max said...

this post makes me feel a little uncomfortable

Veronica said...

Sorry!!! :)

Anonymous said...

hahaha I loved it! you are so funny :)